Student testi­monials

Here you can see testimonials and interviews with former students at European Film College. Many of our former students have a career in the professional film business. Others work in different fields.

Norwegian film director Joachim Trier is sitting around a table with two film students - at a Q&A in the cinema at European Film College.
Joachim Trier

Award-winning Norwegian director Joachim Trier shares some of his fond memories from EFC.

Zelma Vidina

From EFC student to entrepeneur and CEO of an international translating company.

Jeppe Ullmann

Jeppe, once of our most recent students, talk about what he learned at EFC and how it affects him today.

Sturla Brandth Grøvlen

Sturla Brandt Grøvlen is an award winning cinematographer, who was an EFC student from 2001-02.