Signup for our 1-year film programme

Below is where you sign up for the 1-year film programme. 

You only have 15 minute to fill out the form (or you will be thrown off), and you will need to have a few things ready to submit:

  1. CV (max 1MB)
  2. Motivational letter (max 1 page, max 1MB)
  3. A recent portrait of yourself (max 1MB)

Please read the instructions in ‘How to register’ carefully before filling out the form.

Please try to avoid using Chrome, as our system is having issues with that browser at the moment. The best browsers to use are Edge or Firefox.

Please note that we currently have a waiting list for international students - but we still have open places for Danish citizens.


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • Select citizenship

    Error: Please select your citizenship
  • Personal information

    Error: Please enter Name
    Error: Please enter Surname

    Please pick 1 preferred first name and 1 preferred last name (for e-mail etc.)

    Error: Please enter your Preferred names

    Please note that passport is required as proof of citizenship.

    For Danes only

    Error: Please enter CPR number
    Error: Please enter Municipality

    Contact info

    Error: Please enter Mobile
    Error: Please enter Email

    Permanent Address

    Error: Please enter Municipality
    Error: Please enter Municipality
    Error: Please enter Municipality
    Error: Please select Country

    Current Address (if different from above)

  • Your college fee will be paid by

    If you have any health issues/disability please specify below. (This information will of course be considered confidential)

    Person to be contacted in case of illness or emergency

    Error: Please enter Name
    Error: Please enter Address
    Error: Please enter Phone
    Error: Please enter Email

    Special Diets

    Have you applied to the European Film College previously?

    Practical Information

  • Educational background

    Further studies


    How did you hear about us?

  • What to Submit?

    Error: Please upload a PDF file of your Motivation.
    Error: Please upload a profile Picture.
    Error: Please upload a Curiculum Vitae as PDF.